22 January 2012

I want to fly...

This is the next small pattern I wanted to tat (motif #3). It's Nancy Tracy's Eagle:
This eagle gave me an idea: tatting is hardly used as a separate kind of needlework. I mean, except bookmarks and jewellery. But if you use it as a decoration, combining with knitting, crochet, embroidery etc, it is wonderful! I do not want my motifs to lie in a box - so I will try to find something to decorate them with. Do you have any ideas?
And this is another programming-needlework analogy: Tatting is similar to functional programming: both are beautiful, rare and hardly used without other kind of needlework/programming language.
Today is day 5 of TIAS, and this is my result:
The pattern becomes "curiouser and curiouser"! Alex, my husband, made a suggestion that is a fly, and I think that it looks like an octopus. Well, we'll wait and see!